I’ve been able to do a few sketches for Inktober this year…it’s been very scattered in terms of inspiration/theme, but I still like the pieces. Ink has always been (and I think will always be!) my favourite medium to work with, and I have ever so many pens on hand, each with different textures and qualities. You don’t need expensive pens to make good art, either: ballpoint sketches have the capacity for incredible expression that you can’t get out of a fine-tip pen, for example.
‘Nightingale’ was the prompt for this, and I used a rather lovely, scratchy brown pen with a split tip, which sometimes gave the lines a nice doubled effect.
‘Panic Attack’ was the prompt here, heh. I used a brush pen — it has a vivid, raw quality when I use it, and it’s very bold, so it has the right impact for the subject.
Playing with the idea of a ‘Lunar’ girl that attracts moths because she shines with the light of the moon. Fine-tip pen with alcohol markers.
The prompt was ‘teapot’, and I do love little mice. Fine-tip pen with alcohol markers.
Continuing the mice theme… Fine-tip pen.
Characters from a (now abandoned) story. Felt-tip pen — observe the way the end of the lines taper off, whereas lines made with a fine-tip pen often have a round, blunt ending.
A sweet Monday morning goodbye that I saw on my way to work. Simple ballpoint pen — that was all I had handy at the time and I wanted to capture this little moment very quickly.
And for nostalgia’s sake, I’d like to share a couple more pieces from Inktober in previous years, because I haven’t participated in Inktober since 2020, and it’s something of a small personal triumph to be getting back to it again.
Inktober 2020, 1860s tartan/plaid gown
Inktober 2019 (it seems mice are a consistent factor, hehe)
Inktober 2019
Inktober 2018
Inktober 2018
Thanks for reading! This has been a long post, but I hope you’ve enjoyed this little sneak-peak into Inktobers present and past.
Beautiful work and subjects. I especially love the girl who shines like the moon and attracts moths.
Wow these are epic! Returns me to my childhood graphic meanderings and makes me want to pick up that pencil or pen again!