Wow, this is amazing! Congratulations on finishing; it really looks fantastic and I'm excited that it was a positive enough experience that you want to try out more of them. The amount of detail in each painting is really impressive.

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These look incredible! That’s a lot of work but clearly it paid off. I really enjoy being able to see these.

Is anyone out there doing them on some kind of commercial level anymore?

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Thanks James. Glad to hear my art can bring a spark of gladness to you.

There are quite a growing number of artists doing fore edge paintings (no gilding, which equals no vanishing effect, but still amazing artwork!).

However, Martin Frost in Britain is the only artist registered worldwide who does the "vanishing"/hidden paintings professionally for a commercial living. I believe a handful of other artists do take commissions as a side hustle. You can find a few on Etsy as well: GinaHawesPaintedBook, BriMarieSells, ShylockedHerShop, JoyfullyTessaStudios. There is a small community on Reddit, too.

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